Case Study
Internationalisation made easy
Gravicon Case Study
Gravicon is a Finnish based software and service company specialising in Building Information Management (BIM) services. In Finland, Gravicon services have been widely used in prominent and complex construction projects to support efficient and predictable construction processes.
Gravicon has developed SaaS-based Modelspace software to support information, task and project management of demanding construction projects e.g. in hospitals, schools and shopping centres. Information management in planning and construction phases have improved significantly, especially in hospital and public sector projects.
How to enter new markets successfully
After achieving a stable market position in Finland, Gravicon decided to set up international sales operations and chose Africa for its focus market. The main reason for choosing Africa as a target market was its huge potential with large number of hospitals, airports and other complex public construction projects in planning.
SaaS-based Modelspace software can be used from anywhere in the world. However, entering certain markets is as challenging for SaaS business as it is for other businesses. Market dynamics need to be understood, sales messages need to be formulated according to local market environments, sales capabilities need to be improved and local partners need to be identified. Intolead supported Gravicons’ expansion into Africa with its internationalisation consulting and growth services. In the first phase, a strategy was developed for South Africa, one of the Africa’s biggest markets.
From research to action in three steps
In the first phase, Intolead looked at the South African construction industry and compiled a market evaluation including maturity level, market potential as well as a competitor and partner analysis. Based on the market research, Gravicon evaluated the local construction industry markets as lucrative and the company launched a search for potential consulting partners.
Intolead produced communication material to support the search and conducted in-depth interviews of potential partners. At the same time, in order to get a better understanding of the dynamics of this market, Gravicon participated in a few industry events and trade shows.
The next phase involved setting up the sales operations and implementing Modelspace piloting projects. With the help of Intolead, Gravicon hired and trained a country manager to support sales and new business development.

Head start for new business opportunities
Internationalisation is the championship sport of commercialisation. To properly understand new markets, cultural considerations specifically in sales and marketing is vitally important. With careful preparation, an accurate sales strategy, realistic goals and commitment makes it possible to succeed in these markets. The amount of preparation often comes as a surprise to companies exploring the process of internationalisation. Additionally, any sales strategy should be agile enough to adjust to any market related changes if need be.
“Intolead’s experience in developing international business and sales operations has been a valuable addition to this project. Intoleads’ knowledge of African markets has helped us to recognise and anticipate market risks well in advance and to react quickly when changes are needed to execute our go-to-market strategy. Intolead consultants have committed to the objectives that were set together and their co-operation has been flexible, goal oriented and dynamic.”
Pauli Jantunen,